Things are coming together! I had two people point out that it's March and I leave in March. The first one was my personal trainer. The workout I did today was tough, so I didn't really pay much attention to her. I was more worried about staying alive for the next hour! The second person pointed out that I will land in Thailand exactly one month from today. I was home, surrounded by all my stuff...stuff I am not taking with me...stuff that I need to sell, donate or throw away. I had time to freak out. My mom is coming down in a few weeks. I hope to have as much done by then. If not, she'll get me in gear. She's good at that!!
I got everything sent off for my visa application. Here's hoping that process goes smoothly and I get approved a non immigrant B and won't have to make visa runs while over there.
I bought my flights also! I'll leave the morning of March 31st from Austin. Before this whole moving to Thailand life event started happening I already had a trip back to KC planned for March 26-29 to see the twins and for Lilly's birthday. So I'm planning on having everything ready by March 25th, make that trip back home, come back to Austin and sell my car and turn in my keys to my apartment on the 30th and then head out on the 31st!
I'm also working on checking things off my Austin bucket list - kind of playing a tourist in the city I've called home the last 3 1/2 years. I live less than a mile from a cool bridge with a trail up to a ledge with some cool views. I took advantage of that a few weeks ago. It was beautiful and peaceful up there!
I also went to the KU/UT game last night. This is the 4th KU/UT game I've attended. They've won two and lost two. So glad last night's game was a win. Luckily, I did not get a nose bleed since I was in the nose bleed seats. That's what I get for paying $25!! While at the game, I got to see the lady that was very influential in my career at my previous employer. I once joked that I followed her from Topeka to Kansas City and from Kansas City to Austin. I'm finally breaking out on my own and not following her anymore! I also ran into a guy that I lived across the hall from when I lived in Orlando for that short stint my freshman year of college! At first I thought he was a friend of a friend, then I realized who he was. We hadn't seen each other since 2001 and had no idea the other was living in Austin.
Still on my list is Gus's Fried Chicken, Hut's Hamburger, the bats on Congress, and getting as much queso as possible. I'm sure there will also be a couple of BBQ lunches in there too. I heard there is a place in South Austin that is TexMex BBQ...BBQ and queso #heaven