People can go their entire lives without finding their passion. I can remember in kindergarten being adamant I was not going to be a teacher. Then I went to Emporia State - a college known for it's teaching program. I changed majors many times in my short time there, and always ignored that voice in my head telling me to become a teacher. Then I spent 13 years in the corporate world, and when I got burnt out there and was unemployed for 6 months, I avoided the many signs to think about teaching. Even the huge billboard near my place I saw every day advertising the nontraditional program for obtaining a teaching license.
Never in my wildest dreams, did I think it would take moving across the world to find it! I came to Thailand to experience life living abroad, pushing myself outside my comfort zone, and all sorts of inspirational bullshit that are quoted and hashtagged all over Instagram (#guilty). But I've found that I don't love living abroad. I don't love Thailand. I don't love being away from family, friends, and queso. But I love teaching.
And it's because of these kids, right here. These are my M2 students. And they are such a special bunch. Overall, all three classes I had this semester were good. But these kids were nothing like the other two. Sure, we had a few rough days here and there. But I never dreaded going to teach them. I never had to cut a fun activity short because of complaining, eye rolling, or that one kid rolling around on the ground like a rolly polly. I never had to feel like I was having a conversation with myself at the front of the class due to lack of participation. This class has the best sense of humor too. They get sarcasm and love to laugh and make jokes. They love American pop culture. Some of them know more American rap songs than Thai songs I'm sure!
It's because of these kids that I decided to finally stop ignoring everything pointing me in the direction of becoming a teacher. I finally looked into the website from the billboard I ignored every day, and am in the process of getting my teaching certification for Texas. My original plan was to be over here at least a year, but the cool thing about life is that plans don't always work out. I'm lucky that my parents miss me enough to let me move back into their basement until I am able to start doing the student teaching part of the process. It wasn't an easy decision to make - in fact, it was easier to decide to come to Thailand, than it's been to leave. But I know that it's the best decision for me right now. I'm leaving a huge part of my heart with these kids. But because of them, I can say I'm one of the lucky ones that has found my passion.
Well kiddo, you have done more live'n than some people twice your age and experienced things many wouldn't even dream on doing. Thanks for taking 'us' on the journey it has been enlightening. Kudos to ya. Blessings on your next path.